Time goes by dear reader and I'm still only very intermittently updating the blog
Although, in truth, there hasn't been much incentive to post
However, things are progressing ...
After one or two hiccups along the way, all of the engineering work has been completed. The head has been skimmed, the valve tips etc. reprofiled, the heat exchanger repaired and, crucially, the rockers refaced and reprofiled (which was the big worry as we weren't sure whether it would be sucessful).
A long list of parts has been ordered and Simon will soon be ready to start putting things back together again.
Not sure exactly when we'll be doing the rebuild but it should be sometime next month.
Once we know whether we have a runner in the engine department, I need to start looking at addressing a long list of other things that need to be tackled but all things being equal and with everything crossed we might just get some sailing in this year.
It'll be local stuff only, definitely nothing ambitious.
I'm hoping that once we get onto an upward trajectory my inclingation to keep things up to date will return.