Thursday 8 September 2016

A trying day

And one of those days you could really do without

The first of two big issues was the topsides paintwork. I was pretty chuffed when I finished painting yesterday and stood back to admire the result.

In the cold light of day this morning and on closer examination I was considerably less happy with the finish. From a distance and at a casual glance it looks OK but despite my best endeavours it's a pretty poor job when looked at properly

Now I know how to paint a boat. I've painted a few in my time. And if I say so myself I'm a pretty mean hand with a paintbrush or roller. The problem is that I tried to save money on the paint and what I bought just will not lay off to a good finish. It's goes on well enough but you can't lay off the brush or roller marks and it doesn't flow to a good finish like a quality paint would

My bad and one I'm going to have to live with until we have the time and the money to redo the job because I've neither the time, the money or the inclination to start again right now

As if that wasn't enough disappointment for one day. the slightly leaky water tank has now become a seriously leaky water tank. So bad in fact that we're going to have to stop using it because it's now leaking into the base of the v-berth woodwork and damaging the timber.

So I've had to drain the tank down and replacing it is now top priority. It's both extra work and extra expense we could well do without right now but there's no choice

Meanwhile, I'm off back to Kettering in the morning and then up to Stockton on the Grand Union Canal on Saturday to play a gig at an event I haven't been to for quite a few years. Then we're making the final house move so I won't be back aboard until next week

There'll be just enough time to stick the new names and cove line on, which will hopefully distract the eye from the less than perfect paintwork (!), before we go back in the water next Thursday

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